Thursday, 17 October 2013

6pm Mass band

When I first started leading the band at the then 6.30pm Mass I didn't realise the impact it would have on the youth ministry as a whole. We play contemporary music at this Mass with a full band including keys, drums, bass occasionally string instruments etc. There are more and more young people getting involved. And my goodness are they talented. Playing at Mass can be really intense because you are under so much pressure to get it right, to come in at the right time, to not be a distraction and to help enhance the communion and worship we are partaking in through the Eucharist. And we don't always get it right...

Choice of music can tip the balance between performance and worship. But it's not just the music set list that can be a distraction, if the musicians/singers/choir are not in sync then it doesn't matter what song you choose or how liturgically correct it is, you will end up being a distraction and flatten the experience. The now 6pm Mass band, and I can honestly say mainly due to the talents, skills and pure motivation of the young people involved, are on a good path. And this is impacting on all of the youth ministry. The band has become a vehicle of involvement in Mass but not just in a tokenistic way but with the right heart motivation. And it's been a pleasure seeing more and more of the young people that come along on a Friday not only going to Mass but getting involved across the cluster.

I am believer in empowerment and this is what underpins all of the youth ministry. I believe in the potential of young people. The Mass band has been one way that we have enabled young people to just come and try, no matter what level of experience or talent they come in at. As you can tell I am very proud of our young people!

Listen to some of the 6pm Mass band's music and Mass settings here:

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