Saturday, 6 July 2013

DAMASCUS summer camp: Thursday 29th Aug - Sunday 1st Sept 2013

Our yearly summer camp is fast approaching and I wanted to share with you why I think it's worth young people coming along to...

When I joined the DAMASCUS team for the first ever camp back in 2006 I didn't realise just how much those few days would impact on my life. I know it sounds dramatic and a bit cliche but it's true. So what is it about DAMASCUS that makes it so special for me (& I know lots of other ppl)?

First of all Wintershall Estate is beautiful. The views from the campsite are stunning, particularly the sunsets. It's so peaceful and walking round the estate is
really a treat. But most of all the cross on the hill (!)... let's just say some really special prayerful moments have happened by that cross. For me, that first summer in 2006 by that cross I felt most clearly a call from God into youth ministry.

Second the workshops have been so inspiring. They give us an opportunity to reflect and express our faith in lots of different and creative ways. The teachings are those moments that lead us to worship.
They can open our eyes to new things and prepare our hearts to sing and praise God together and back in our parishes and normal lives.

So that leads nicely to the music worship :) You know how I heard that call from God by the cross in 2006? Well He was very specific about what he wanted me to be a part of. That was putting together the youth band (led by James C). And starting from little, God made something special. It took a while and lots of practice but the young ppl learnt to sing and learnt to play for the sole purpose of worshipping God and eventually to lead the music worship at DAMASCUS, where they started. It has been amazing being part of that journey and it is that journey that has even led me to lead a band at Mass as well. Those evenings at DAMASCUS when we close our eyes and listen to the words and music, when we sing, jump, dance and lift our hands, when we let go of the world for a moment and praise God in that barn with our brothers and sisters it's something else!

"Brothers and sisters? Oh pe-leeze!" I hear you say. Yes another cliche. But there are so many young people that come to DAMASCUS on their own and from so many different places but by the end of the first night... you wouldn't know. There is something about DAMASCUS, the atmosphere, the people, the Spirit of it that brings everyone together and by the end of the four days we don't want to go home!

Well I'd better stop nattering cos I could go on for a while and I haven't even mentioned the camping, the camp fire, the yummy food, the games, the walk to the lake, the chapel, the small groups... those showers(!)

Are you aged 14-18 or know someone that age who would be interested in coming to DAMASCUS this year? Are you/they free from Thursday 29th Aug - Sun 1st Sept? Visit the website for more info and register online there too: Hopefully see you there at DAMASCUS summer camp 2013!

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