At GYM (school years 10-13) we are embarking on a year long journalling exercise. All the young people have been given a scrap book each and the idea is that they decorate the front page to make it their own and then in a week or so they'll bring them back and swap them with a friend who will fill a page of their journal. This continues till their journals are full, which will probably be the end of the school year.
GYMers starting to decorate their scrapbooks |
Each week at GYM we will look at a theme that may inspire them with what to fill in the journal for their friend. So, for example, last week we looked at love and this week are looking at healthy/unhealthy relationships. They can fill in the page of their friends scrapbook with something motivational linked to these themes or whatever they like. The idea is at the end each young person will get their scrapbooks back filled with colour, inspiration and expressions of God's action in their lives. For our year 13's who will be moving on to uni, they will make fantastic year books!